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Check out what's happening for the dogs in our community in our BLOG! 

This is an unprecedented time in America's history and our pets are facing changes.  Let's see what's in store for them.

Are you the problem or the solution?


The Pit Bull Pen is 501(c)(3) non-profit, volunteer group located in southeastern Washington state.  The pets in our program come from many different sources:  owner surrender, high kill shelters, animal shelters who request our help, found  injured, sick, abandoned and abused dogs.

Once accepted into our program they are placed in loving foster homes or remain at the rescue site.  Our animals are given medical care, good food on a regular basis, lots of love, attention, and training. 

Most dogs are ready for new homes fairly quickly.   Dogs not ready for adoption are allowed to decompress, get medical treatment, receive training, and socialization in a timeline appropriate for their needs.  Once dogs are ready, they are placed into loving homes.

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